It was on one of these types of camping trips that my story, Hunting Honeymoon, was thought up. Oh, we now stay in either our cozy cabin or our motorhome with lots of conveniences (yes, flushing toilets) but in our younger days, we took our tent and had some really fun times camping.
Hunting Honeymoon brings back memories of trips where I had to find a brush to hide behind because there was no outhouse. The frustration of having my husband off hunting with his brother and friends. The warm feeling of sitting around a campfire. We cooked over the fire with Dutch ovens and I still feel like our food tasted better when we did.
I'd love you to read Hunting Honeymoon and let me know how you enjoyed it. It's available in ebook exclusively from
So, I ask -- Hunting -- yes or no!
Happy Reading!
K. R. Bailey