Saturday, January 10, 2015

A Smile For the New Year

Just wanted to start the new year off with a few smiles.
A friend of mine sent this to me and I wanted to share it with all of you.
Gotta love them...

Wouldn't it be great if we could put
ourselves in the dryer for ten minutes;
come out wrinkle-free and
three sizes smaller!

Last year I joined a support group
for procrastinators.
We haven't met yet!

I don't trip over things,
I do random gravity checks!

I don't need anger management.
I need people to stop pissing me off!

Old age is coming at a really bad time!

When I was a child I thought Nap Time
was a punishment ... now, as a grown up,
it just feels like a small vacation!

The biggest lie I tell myself is ...
"I don't need to write that down,
I'll remember it."

Lord grant me the strength to accept
the things I cannot change, the courage
to change the things I can & the friends
to post my bail when I finally snap!

I don't have gray hair.
I have "wisdom highlights".
And I'm very wise.

My people skills are just fine.
It's my tolerance to idiots that needs work.

If God wanted me to touch my toes,
he would've put them on my knees.

The kids text me "plz" which is shorter than please.
I text back "no" which is shorter than "yes".

I'm going to retire and live off of my savings.
Not sure what I'll do that second week.

When did it change from
"We the people"
to "screw the people"?

I've lost my mind and
I'm pretty sure my kids took it!

Even duct tape can't fix stupid ...
but it can muffle the sound!

Why do I have to press one for English
when you're just gonna transfer me to
someone I can't understand anyway?

Lord, Give me patience
and give it to me NOW.

Of course I talk to myself,
sometimes I need expert advice.

Oops! Did I roll my eyes out loud?

At my age "Getting lucky" means
walking into a room and remembering
what I came in there for.

Chocolate comes from cocoa which is a tree ...
that makes it a plant which means ...
chocolate is Salad !!!
I hope this brightened your day.
Happy Reading!

K. R. Bailey


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