Sunday, November 1, 2015

Thought for the Week

As you probably can tell, I collect thoughts. All types of thoughts. In fact, I have a file folder on my desk and a binder on a shelf full of them. I also have stacks of them in little nooks and crannies around my house. I love thoughts and little stories that have a message whether it be inspirational, funny, full of love, whatever. I love them!

Here's one I found just this week, and I wanted to share:

The secret of getting ahead is getting started."
                     ....Sally Berger

My first instinct, was duh, we all know that. But as I thought about it, I realized that I've had many dreams of accomplishing things but I never got around to taking that first step, the hard step of starting.

Whether it was doing crafts, cleaning my house, succeeding at work, or writing a book, the hardest part was doing something to get started.

I had the desire for a long time to write a book and get published way before I ever did. Know what my problem was? Taking the time to do it. I had a lot of excuses why I didn't have the time. I didn't know what to do, so I didn't do anything. How did I format my book? I didn't know so I didn't do anything. How did I get it published? Again, it was an excuse not to start. How did I find an editor? What if no one wanted to read it? So many excuses. I drug my feet and didn't do it for years.

Once I finally made up my mind I wanted to write and get published, I started taking little steps. I found the Romance Writers of America. I met other helpful authors. I interviewed agents and editors and publishers at conferences. It was amazing how easily I found out what I needed to do. So I did it! More than ten books later, I'm still writing and enjoying seeing my hard work published.

Do you have a desire to accomplish something? Do it! Take the first step. Forget worrying about failure. Just do it!

Happy Reading!
K. R. Bailey

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